Medieval Life Program


Grades K–8 | 2 hours | $8 per student
One chaperone per eight students required and free
Additional chaperones $8 each
Min. 8 students

Immerse your students in the world of European knights, monks, peasants, and more with our popular Medieval Life program. This program will:

  • Explore what life was like in the medieval world through three different lenses: those who work, those who pray, and those who fight.

  • Highlight the religious beliefs and daily practices of Christian people in the Middle Ages, and how these beliefs influenced the creation of art and artifacts.

  • Provide students with opportunities to touch, hear, and see medieval art and objects in a variety of ways.

  • Include an interactive activity time in the Glencairn Studio where students will be invited to explore the Middle Ages in a global way, and understand how objects can tell stories about the people who made them. Students will be invited to reflect on their own story and identity, and to create a piece of art that captures this.


Grades K–8 | 2 hours | $8 per student
One chaperone per eight students required and free
Min. 8 students | Max. 30 students
Classroom or meeting space required; activity materials included

This version of our Medieval Life program comes to you in your classroom or meeting space! Just like our on site program, this traveling experience brings the world of European knights, monks, peasants, and more to your students. This program will:

  • Explore what life was like in the medieval world through three different lenses: those who work, those who pray, and those who fight.

  • Highlight the religious beliefs and daily practices of Christian people in the Middle Ages, and how these beliefs influenced the creation of art and artifacts.

  • Provide students with opportunities to touch, hear, and see medieval art and objects in a variety of ways.

  • Include an interactive activity time where students will be invited to explore the Middle Ages in a global way, and understand how objects can tell stories about the people who made them. Students will be invited to reflect on their own story and identity, and to create a piece of art that captures this.