Entries by Title
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No. 1, 2025 - Medieval Art and the American Imagination: George Grey Barnard and Raymond Pitcairn
No. 4, 2024 - New Penn Museum Loans to Glencairn’s Egyptian Gallery
No. 3, 2024 - Sculpting the Afterlife: A Ka Statue at Glencairn Museum
No. 2, 2024 - Cardboard Chronicles: The Biblical Art of Rudolph Bostic
No. 12, 2023 - World Nativities Exhibition and Christmas in the Castle Tour
No. 11, 2023 - The Grand Cartapesta Presepe: A Collector’s Vision
No. 10, 2023 - Companions and Guardians: Dogs and Jackals in Ancient Egypt
No. 7, 2023 - The Life Story of a Sarcophagus at Glencairn Museum
No. 6, 2023 - The Stone Artistry of Benjamin Augustus Tweedale
No. 5, 2023 - In Their Own Words: Memories of the Glencairn Girls
No. 4, 2023 - Christ Receiving His Mother’s Soul: A Thirteenth-Century Stained-Glass Panel
No. 3, 2023 - Unwrapping the Mysteries of a Mummy Bandage in the Glencairn Museum Collection
No. 2, 2023 - History Repeating: The Story of Glencairn Museum’s Acts of the Apostles Tapestries
No. 12, 2022 - The Glencairn Christmas Sing: An 86-Year-Old Community Tradition
No. 10, 2022 - Christmas in the Castle: A New Haven Museum Recreates Christmas at Glencairn
No. 9, 2022 - “Lion of the Rulers”: The Funerary Stela of Maienhekau
No. 8, 2022 - Frank Snyder: Painter, Muralist, and Illustrator
No. 7, 2022 - Preserving History One Moment at a Time: The BAHD Digitization Project
No. 3, 2022 - Receiving and Giving Back: Bryn Athyn College Students at Glencairn Museum
No. 2, 2022 - Walking in Someone Else’s Shoes: Fostering Empathy at Glencairn Museum
No. 1, 2022 - Why Did Raymond Pitcairn Build Glencairn? From Cloister Studio to Castle
No. 12, 2021 - Hanna Speckner Weil Fischer-Binder: Her Life and Work
No. 9, 2021 - A Thousand-Year Journey: An Ivory Box on Loan to the Met Cloisters
No. 8, 2021 - Glencairn Museum Kids: A Resource for Families
No. 7, 2021 - Death and the Athenian Family: An Athenian Funerary Lekythos
No. 6, 2021 - Woodstock Artist John Pike: Paintings Commissioned by Raymond Pitcairn
No. 5, 2021 - Ancient Egyptian Creation Myths: From Watery Chaos to Cosmic Egg
No. 3, 2021 - The Cherry Street Temple: A 3D Digital Reconstruction
No. 2, 2021 - The Glencairn Pietà: A 15th-Century Painting from Valencia
No. 1, 2021 - The “Clouds of Heaven” Motif in Art Created for Glencairn
No. 11, 2020 - New Videos Online: Glencairn Christmas Sing and “Christmas in the Castle” Tour
No. 10, 2020 - World Nativities Exhibition: A 2020 Advent Calendar
No. 9, 2020 - American Nativity: Finding Inspiration in Troubled Times
No. 5, 2020 - Google Arts & Culture: Glencairn’s New Partnership
No. 4, 2020 - #MuseumFromHome: Staying Connected During COVID-19
No. 2, 2020 - Sacred Adornment: Jewelry as Belief in Ancient Egypt
No. 1, 2020 - Glencairn Museum’s World Nativities Exhibition
No. 11, 2019 - An Authentic Moravian Nativity Scene: The Jennie Trein Putz
No. 10, 2019 - One Hundred Years Ago Today: The Dedication of Bryn Athyn Cathedral
No. 9, 2019 - A Woodcarver’s Legacy: The Work of Frank Jeck (Part Two)
No. 8, 2019 - A Woodcarver’s Legacy: The Work of Frank Jeck (Part One)
No. 7, 2019 - Glencairn’s Guest of Honor: The 1965 Visit of a “Monuments Man”
No. 6, 2019 - Glencairn Lions Visit the J. Paul Getty Museum
No. 5, 2019 - Preparations for a Good Burial: Funerary Art in Glencairn’s Ancient Egyptian Gallery
No. 4, 2019 - The Ceiling of Glencairn’s Great Hall: Construction and Decoration
No. 2, 2019 - Hex Signs: Sacred and Celestial Symbolism in Pennsylvania Dutch Barn Stars
No. 1, 2019 - A Medievalist in the Archives: Exploring Twentieth-Century Medievalism at Glencairn
No. 11, 2018 - Meet the Artists: Tenth Anniversary of the World Nativities Exhibition
No. 10, 2018 - The Annunciation and Second Coming Frescoes in Glencairn’s Great Hall
No. 9, 2018 - Future-Proofing Kingship: Mesopotamian Foundation Deposits in Glencairn Museum
No. 7, 2018 - Headrests in Glencairn's Egyptian Collection: Practicality and Protection
No. 6, 2018 - Glencairn's Royalty: Images of Kings and Queens in the Medieval Collection
No. 4, 2018 - A Window to the Soul: Nishan Yardumian's Biblical Art
No. 2, 2018 - Medieval Depictions of the Last Judgment: The Resurrection of the Body
No. 1, 2018 - Sacred Adornment: Jewelry as Belief in Glencairn's Egyptian Collection
No. 12, 2017 - The Adoration of the Shepherds: A Life-Size Nativity Painting at Glencairn Museum
No. 11, 2017 - Do You See What I See? Two Holiday Exhibitions and a "Christmas in the Castle" Tour
No. 9, 2017 - An Interview with Jason Klein of Historical Glassworks
No. 8, 2017 - Reflected Glories: Raymond Pitcairn's Loans to the Philadelphia Museum of Art
No. 7, 2017 - A Libation Bowl with the Goddess Hathor, "Lady of Heaven"
No. 6, 2017 - Five Artists Inspired by the Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772)
No. 5, 2017 - Protective Images from Glencairn's Medieval Sculpture Collection
No. 3, 2017 - Religious Objects in Museums: An Interview with Crispin Paine
No. 2, 2017 - Powwowing in Pennsylvania: Healing Rituals of the Dutch Country
No. 1, 2017 - Follow the Star: The Magi in Glencairn's World Nativities Exhibition
No. 12, 2016 - Christmas in Pennsylvania: An Exhibition at Glencairn Museum
No. 10, 2016 - The Symbolism of Sheep and Lambs at Glencairn
No. 9, 2016 - Assyrian Reliefs in Glencairn Museum: Framing the Ancient Past
No. 6, 2016 - An Interview with Jens Langlotz, Bryn Athyn's Master Stone Carver
No. 4, 2016 - A Hill of Unity: The Founding of Bryn Athyn Borough
No. 3, 2016 - "All that Glitters is Not Gold": Glencairn's Siren Cauldron Attachment
No. 12, 2015 - Christmas Traditions and World Nativities: Two Exhibitions at Glencairn Museum
No. 11, 2015 - A Nativity Inspired by Bryn Athyn Architecture
No. 10, 2015 - A Heavenly Light: The Bryn Athyn Stained Glass Factory and Studio
No. 9, 2015 - Hidden in Plain Sight: A Capital from Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert
No. 8, 2015 - The Purchase of the Lanzone Egyptian Collection (1878)
No. 7, 2015 - Cats, Lions and the Fabulous Felines of Ancient Egypt
No. 6, 2015 - Glencairn's "Slim Princess": A Twelfth-Century Beauty Queen
No. 5, 2015 - An Interview with Warren Holzman of Iron Studio
No. 2, 2015 - Eden to Eternity: Molas from the San Blas Islands
No. 1, 2015 - An Interview with Jim Morrison (a.k.a. Santa, Jr.)
No. 12, 2014 - From the White House to Gettysburg: Pitcairn-Eisenhower Nativity Scenes
No. 11, 2014 - World Nativities and a Century of Santa: Two Christmas Exhibitions at Glencairn
No. 10, 2014 - Capital Depicting the Martyrdom of St. Andrew
No. 9, 2014 - The Goddess Taweret: Protector of Mothers and Children
No. 8, 2014 - "The Poetry of the Past": Henry Mercer and Raymond Pitcairn
No. 6, 2014 - One Hundred Years Ago Today: Laying the Cornerstone for Bryn Athyn Cathedral
No. 3, 2014 - Glencairn's Thirteenth-Century Ecclesiastical Bells
No. 2, 2014 - Behind the Lens: Raymond Pitcairn and Photography
No. 12, 2013 - Building a Presepio: A Peek behind the Scenes
No. 9, 2013 - The Way of the Cross: Sculptures by Thorsten Sigstedt
No. 8, 2013 - A Masterpiece in Marble: Glencairn's Minerva-Victoria
No. 7, 2013 - Two Fragments of a Relief With the Temptation of Christ
No. 5, 2013 - Capital from the Abbey Church of Moutiers-Saint-Jean , C. 1150-60
No. 3, 2013 - Ivory Casket with Scenes from the Book of Kings
No. 2, 2013 - Swedish Winter Farmstead Scene with Tomtar (Elves)
No. 10, 2012 - The "Angel with Censer" Window in Glencairn's Great Hall
No. 9, 2012 - Windows into Heaven: The Icons of Susan Kelly vonMedicus
No. 6, 2012 - Students from Bryn Athyn College and the University of Pennsylvania
No. 4, 2012 - "Sacred Art" Not a Thing of the Past at Bryn Athyn College and Glencairn Museum
No. 1, 2012 - 30 Years and Counting! 134 Years and Counting!
No. 11, 2011 - World Nativities Exhibition at Glencairn through January 14
No. 10, 2011 - The Case of the Mysterious Disappearing--And Reappearing--Medal
No. 8, 2011 - The Throne of Wisdom: Mary and the Christ Child
No. 7, 2011 - Exhibition: The Apocalypse of John: Twenty-five Paintings by G. Roland Smith
No. 6, 2011 - Exciting New Book about the Bryn Athyn Historic District!
No. 5, 2011 - Announcing the reprint of Bryn Athyn Cathedral: The Building of a Church
No. 3, 2011 - Exhibition: From Gutenberg to Kindle: The Art of Bible Making
No. 2, 2011 - Glencairn Acquires Replica Gutenberg-Era Printing Press
No. 1, 2011 - Moravian Nativity Scene Exhibited at Glencairn