To view a zoomable version of this Nativity on Google Arts & Culture, click on the image. To explore Glencairn’s World Nativities exhibition Advent Calendar, click here.
9. Slovak Corn-Husk Nativity
Peter Palka
Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Corn husk, wood
Slovak folk artists use corn husks to make Christmas and Easter scenes, as well as scenes representing the traditional way of life in rural Slovak villages. In 1994 Peter Palka designed a Nativity, similar to this one, which won first prize at the International Crèche Festival in Bellingham, Washington. The United States Ambassador to the Slovak Republic awarded the prize to Palka in a ceremony held at the parliament building in Bratislava, the capital city. Palka’s Nativity also appeared on the Slovak Republic’s 1995 Christmas stamp.
To view a zoomable version of this Nativity on Google Arts & Culture, click here. To explore Glencairn’s World Nativities exhibition Advent Calendar, click here.