Rushnyky: Sacred Ukrainian Textiles
to Nov 9

Rushnyky: Sacred Ukrainian Textiles

Saturday, April 5–Sunday, November 9, 2025
Available Tuesday–Sunday 1:00–4:30 pm
$5.00 per person, included with a guided tour/event attendance
Free for all Museum membership levels and children 4 and under
The Exhibition will be unavailable on the following days/dates:
Thursday, May 1, and Friday, May 2
Thursday, May 15–Sunday, May 18

“A house without a rushnyk is not a home.” — Ukrainian proverb

While the word rushnyk can refer to an ordinary towel, the ceremonial rushnyk is distinct in its ornamentation and cultural significance. In almost any Ukrainian home, the family icons—and more recently, family photographs—would be draped with rushnyky, offering protection to the family, home, and village. These cloths appear in all family rituals: infants are wrapped in them at birth, and they play a central role in betrothal and wedding ceremonies. Remarkably, despite the turmoil of the 20th and 21st centuries, the rushnyk continues to be an integral part of Ukrainian culture.

Glencairn Museum is proud to host this traveling exhibition from the Icon Museum and Study Center in Clinton, Massachusetts. Curated by Professor Franklin Sciacca, the exhibition features rushnyky and related artifacts from his collection.

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to Mar 16

Cardboard Chronicles: The Biblical Art of Rudolph Bostic

Tuesday, February 11–Sunday, March 16, 2025
Available Tuesday–Sunday 1:00–4:30 pm
$5.00 per person, included with a guided tour/event attendance
Free for all Museum membership levels and children 4 and under
The Exhibition will be unavailable on the following days/dates:
Thursday, February 20–Sunday, February 23

This exhibition presents a collection of 25 paintings by American artist Rudolph “Rudy” Bostic (1941–2021). Celebrated for his bold and expressive color palette, Bostic developed a distinctive technique using enamel and house paint on cardboard. A longtime member of the Second African Baptist Church in Savannah, Georgia, Bostic drew inspiration from both the Bible and the works of masters such as Rembrandt, Leonardo da Vinci, and Michelangelo. His art has appeared in folk art museums and galleries throughout the southern United States. In this exhibition, Bostic’s paintings explore a range of biblical themes and stories, from the creation of Adam to scenes from the life of Christ.

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to Jan 26

World Nativities

  • Google Calendar ICS

Friday, November 29, 2024–Sunday, January 26, 2025
12:00–4:00 pm
Exhibition access times can be pre-booked online at 12:00, 1:00, 2:00, and 3:00 pm
$5 per person
Free for all Museum membership levels and children 4 and under
Exhibition access is included with the Christmas in the Castle guided tour.

Glencairn Museum’s annual World Nativities exhibition presents dozens of three-dimensional Nativity scenes collected from around the world. For many Christians, the Nativity scene is a meaningful expression of religious faith, providing a compelling visual focus during the Christmas season. World Nativities shows how artists adapt the Nativity scene to represent their own spiritual, intellectual, cultural, and regional environments. Settings for many of the Nativities have been created by Bryn Athyn artist Kathleen Glenn Pitcairn.

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to Nov 10

Cardboard Chronicles: The Biblical Art of Rudolph Bostic

Saturday, May 18–Sunday, November 10, 2024
Available weekends 1:00–4:30 pm
Weekdays with a guided tour, or by appointment
$5.00 per person, included with a guided tour/event attendance
Free for all Museum membership levels and children 4 and under

This exhibition presents a collection of 25 paintings by American artist Rudolph “Rudy” Bostic (1941–2021). Celebrated for his bold and expressive color palette, Bostic developed a distinctive technique using enamel and house paint on cardboard. A longtime member of the Second African Baptist Church in Savannah, Georgia, Bostic drew inspiration from both the Bible and the works of masters such as Rembrandt, Leonardo da Vinci, and Michelangelo. His art has appeared in folk art museums and galleries throughout the southern United States. In this exhibition, Bostic’s paintings explore a range of biblical themes and stories, from the creation of Adam to scenes from the life of Christ.

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to May 5

Easter Eggs: Symbols of Rebirth and Renewal

Saturday, March 2–Sunday, May 5, 2024
Available weekends 1:00–4:30 pm | Exhibition access times can be pre-booked online at 1:00, 2:00, and 3:00 pm
Weekdays with a guided tour or by appointment.
Call 267.502.2993 or email for by-appointment access.
$5.00 per person, included with a guided tour/event attendance

Exploring Pennsylvania’s colorful and diverse Easter egg traditions, Easter Eggs: Symbols of Rebirth and Renewal, is a collaborative exhibition at Glencairn Museum produced in partnership with the Pennsylvania German Cultural Heritage Center at Kutztown University. Featuring an unparalleled display of historic and contemporary Easter eggs, artifacts, documents, and ephemera, the exhibition traces the origins, history, and cultural diversity of Pennsylvania’s unique role in the development of Easter traditions in North America.

For hundreds of years, the egg has captured the imagination of cultures and religions throughout the world as a symbol of the mystery of creation and the reawakening of the earth at springtime. Since the Middle Ages, Christians have decorated eggs as symbols of resurrection and new life. This exhibition explores age-old European Easter egg traditions and how present-day Pennsylvanians are keeping them alive. From the colorful pysanky eggs of Ukrainian immigrants to the intricate scratched eggs of the Pennsylvania Dutch and the Lithuanians, the Easter egg embodies the vibrant mosaic of Pennsylvania’s diverse cultural and sacred expressions.

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World Nativities
to Jan 28

World Nativities

  • Google Calendar ICS

Friday, November 24, 2023–Sunday, January 28, 2024
12:00–4:30 pm
$5 Suggested donation
Exhibition access times can be pre-booked online at 12:00, 1:00, 2:00, and 3:00 pm
Exhibition access is included with the Christmas in the Castle guided tour.
Unavailable Mondays in January

Glencairn Museum’s annual World Nativities exhibition presents dozens of three-dimensional Nativity scenes collected from around the globe. For many Christians, the Nativity scene is a meaningful expression of religious faith, providing a compelling visual focus during the Christmas season. World Nativities shows how artists adapt the Nativity scene to represent their own spiritual, intellectual, cultural, and regional environments. Original settings for many of the Nativities have been created by Bryn Athyn artist Kathleen Glenn Pitcairn.

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to Apr 16

Winfred S. Hyatt Easter Scenes

Tuesday, February 22–Saturday, April 16, 2022

Admission included with Easter Art at Glencairn, Craftsmanship at Glencairn: Five Artists, and Highlights tours, or by appointment.

Three Easter dioramas were made in the 1920s for the Pitcairn family by Winfred S. Hyatt, the principal stained-glass artist and designer for Bryn Athyn Cathedral and Glencairn. The following three events from the Easter story are illustrated in these scenes: The Last Supper, the visit of the two Marys to the tomb on Easter Sunday, and the appearance of the resurrected Christ to seven of His disciples on the Sea of Galilee. Hyatt modeled the figures, which were then cast in plaster, painted, and clothed.

These scenes were originally made for Cairnwood, Raymond Pitcairn’s childhood home, where his family lived until Glencairn was completed in 1939. They continued to be displayed annually at Glencairn after they moved, and soon became part of an Easter tradition enjoyed by the Pitcairn grandchildren. Some of the grandchildren fondly remember coming to Glencairn to see the scenes with their parents each year and picking out a flower to take to Bryn Athyn Cathedral on Easter Sunday (grown in the Pitcairns’ plant nursery).

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World Nativities
to Jan 30

World Nativities

  • Google Calendar ICS

Friday, November 26, 2021–Sunday, January 30, 2022

Ticketed timeslots are: 12:00, 1:00, 2:00 and 3:00 pm
$5 per person suggested donation

Not available December 13 and 14, or 24, 25, and 26. Closed Mondays beginning January 10.
Reservations are recommended, walk-ins accommodated as possible.

Glencairn Museum’s annual World Nativities exhibition presents dozens of three-dimensional Nativity scenes collected from around the globe. For many Christians the Nativity scene is a meaningful expression of religious faith, providing a compelling visual focus during the Christmas season. World Nativities shows how artists adapt the Nativity scene to represent their own spiritual, intellectual, cultural, and regional environments. Settings for the Nativities have been created by Bryn Athyn artist Kathleen Glenn Pitcairn.

Entry to the World Nativities exhibition is included with admission to the Christmas in the Castle tour.

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to Oct 31

Sacred Adornment: Jewelry as Belief in Ancient Egypt


Tuesday, February 2, 2021 ­– Sunday, October 31, 2021

Sacred Adornment: Jewelry as Belief in Ancient Egypt, a stunning new exhibition at Glencairn Museum, explores how jewelry in the Museum collection was used by the ancient Egyptians to adorn, to protect, and to express devotion to the divine. By examining the materials and symbols present in these ornaments, we can come away with a deeper understanding of the complex ideas that guided the artists, as well as the hopes and beliefs of those who wore this jewelry in ancient times.

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Sacred Adornment: Jewelry as Belief in Ancient Egypt
to Nov 8

Sacred Adornment: Jewelry as Belief in Ancient Egypt


Saturday, February 29, 2020 ­– Sunday, November 8, 2020
Tuesday, January 19, 2021 - Sunday, October 31, 2021

Sacred Adornment: Jewelry as Belief in Ancient Egypt, a stunning new exhibition at Glencairn Museum, explores how jewelry in the Museum’s collection was used by the ancient Egyptians to adorn, to protect, and to express devotion to the divine. By examining the materials and symbols present in these ornaments, we can come away with a deeper understanding of the complex ideas that guided the artists, as well as the hopes and beliefs of those who wore this jewelry in ancient times.

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World Nativities
to Jan 5

World Nativities

Friday, November 29 — Sunday, January 5
Daily 12:00 — 4:30 pm
December 26, 27, 28, and 29 10:00 am — 4:30 pm
Closed December 9-10, 24-25 

Suggested donation $5 per person

Glencairn Museum’s annual World Nativities exhibition presents dozens of three-dimensional Nativity scenes collected from around the world. For many centuries the story of the birth of Jesus Christ has been depicted through the creative lens of artists from a wide variety of spiritual, intellectual, and cultural backgrounds. This year World Nativities features the historic Jennie Trein Christmas putz (Nativity scene) from the Moravian Historical Society in Nazareth, Pennsylvania; Nativities on loan from the Knights of Columbus Museum in New Haven, Connecticut; and outstanding examples from Glencairn’s own growing collection. Settings for the Nativities have been created by Bryn Athyn artist Kathleen Glenn Pitcairn.

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to Apr 20

Pitcairn Family Easter Scenes

Wednesday, March 6 through Saturday, April 20, 2019

Tuesday-Friday with 2:30 pm tour or by appointment
Admission included with guided tours and events
Walk-ins welcome on weekends 1:00 - 4:30 pm, by donation

Three Easter dioramas were made in the 1920s for the Pitcairn family by Winfred S. Hyatt, the principal stained-glass artist and designer for Bryn Athyn Cathedral and Glencairn.

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Hex Signs: Sacred and Celestial Symbolism in Pennsylvania Dutch Barn Stars
to Nov 3

Hex Signs: Sacred and Celestial Symbolism in Pennsylvania Dutch Barn Stars

Friday, March 1 through Sunday, November 3, 2019

Sunday, April 28, 1:00 - 5:00 pm, during the Sacred Arts Festival
Tuesday-Friday with 2:30 pm tour or by appointment
Weekends 1:00 - 4:30 pm, self-guided by donation
Admission included with guided tours and events

Explores themes of sacred and celestial imagery in the traditional arts of the Pennsylvania Dutch, with special emphasis on the decorated barns of Southeastern Pennsylvania. This exhibition, which features actual examples of barn stars, decorated objects, and related images, is guest curated  by Patrick Donmoyer, director of the Pennsylvania German Cultural Heritage Center at Kutztown University. Donmoyer is the author of Hex Signs: Myth and Meaning in Pennsylvania Dutch Barn Stars (2013). The Heritage Center and Glencairn Museum have collaborated on a full catalog for the Glencairn exhibition. 

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to Jan 6


Friday, November 23 through Sunday, January 6
Daily 12:00 - 4:30 PM
Closed December 10-11, 24-25

Suggested donation $5 per person

This year Glencairn Museum celebrates the ten-year anniversary of our annual World Nativities exhibition. Dozens of three-dimensional Nativity scenes from around the world reveal how artists adapt the Nativity story to represent their own spiritual, intellectual, cultural, and regional environments. Settings for the Nativities have been created by Bryn Athyn artist Kathleen Glenn Pitcairn.

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A Window to the Soul: Nishan Yardumian’s Biblical Art
to Nov 4

A Window to the Soul: Nishan Yardumian’s Biblical Art

Sunday, April 22 through Sunday, November 4, 2018

Sunday, April 22, 1:00 - 5:00 pm, during the Sacred Arts Festival
Sunday, October 28, 1:00 - 5:00 pm, during the Medieval Festival
Tuesday-Friday with 2:30 pm tour or by appointment
Admission included with guided tours and events
Weekends 1:00 - 4:30 pm, self-guided by donation

Closed Sunday, April 29, due to the Posaune Decouple trombone concert; Saturday, May 26, due to the Les Canards Chantants concert; and Wednesday, July 4 due to Independence Day

Paintings and drawings by Nishan Yardumian (1947-1986), artist and fine arts instructor in Bryn Athyn, illustrating our shared human experiences as spiritual beings.

Glencairn Museum News has published an article about the exhibition here. A handout (pdf) with the relevant passages from the Bible and quotations by the artist is here.

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Pitcairn Family Easter Scenes
to Apr 8

Pitcairn Family Easter Scenes

Saturday, February 10 through Sunday, April 8, 2018

Tuesday-Friday with 2:30 pm tour or by appointment
Admission included with guided tours and events
Walk-ins welcome on weekends 1:00 - 4:30 pm, by donation

Closed Sunday, March 18, due to the Elizabeth Pitcairn violin concert, and Sunday, April 1, due to Easter

Three Easter dioramas were made in the 1920s for the Pitcairn family by Winfred S. Hyatt, the principal stained-glass artist and designer for Bryn Athyn Cathedral and Glencairn.

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Do You See What I See? Imagery in Nativity Scenes
to Jan 7

Do You See What I See? Imagery in Nativity Scenes

Friday, November 24, 2017 through Sunday, January 7, 2018

Daily 12 to 4:30 PM
Closed December 11-12, 24-25

PLEASE NOTE: Glencairn Museum is closed Thursday, January 4, due to inclement winter weather.

Suggested donation $5 per person (includes both exhibitions).

Why is Joseph often shown holding a candle or lantern? Why are there usually three wise men, when the Bible specifies no exact number? Artists who depict the Christmas story rely on theological and artistic tradition, as well as their own imaginations. This exhibition explores the origins of the various elements that make up a Nativity scene.

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World Nativities
to Jan 7

World Nativities

Friday, November 24, 2017 through Sunday, January 7, 2018

Daily 12:00 - 4:30 PM
Closed December 11-12, 24-25

PLEASE NOTE: Glencairn Museum is closed Thursday, January 4, due to inclement winter weather.

Suggested donation $5 per person (includes both exhibitions).

Glencairn Museum’s World Nativities exhibition presents dozens of three-dimensional Nativity scenes collected from around the world. For many Christians the Nativity scene is a meaningful expression of religious faith, providing a compelling visual focus during the Christmas season. World Nativities shows how artisans adapt the Nativity scene to represent their own spiritual, intellectual, cultural and regional environments. This year the exhibition features Nativities from the Knights of Columbus Museum in New Haven, Connecticut, and examples from Glencairn’s own growing collection.

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World Nativities
to Jan 8

World Nativities

Daily 12:00 - 4:30 PM
Closed December 12-13, 24-25

Suggested donation $5 per person (includes both exhibitions).

Glencairn Museum’s World Nativities exhibition presents dozens of three-dimensional Nativity scenes collected from around the world. For many Christians the Nativity scene is a meaningful expression of religious faith, providing a compelling visual focus during the Christmas season. World Nativities shows how artisans adapt the Nativity scene to represent their own spiritual, intellectual, cultural and regional environments. Each year the exhibition features Nativities borrowed from other museums and from Glencairn’s growing collection.

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Christmas in Pennsylvania
to Jan 8

Christmas in Pennsylvania

Daily 12:00 - 4:30 PM
Closed December 12-13, 24-25

Suggested donation $5 per person (includes both exhibitions).

How was Christmas celebrated in southeastern Pennsylvania during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries? What traditions were observed in the city of Philadelphia, and in rural Pennsylvania Dutch communities? This holiday exhibition features vintage objects and images from the National Christmas Center and Museum (Lancaster County) and the Pennsylvania German Cultural Heritage Center at Kutztown University (Berks County).

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Christmas Traditions in Many Lands
to Jan 10

Christmas Traditions in Many Lands

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Daily 12 to 4:30 PM
Closed December 14-15, 24-25

Suggested donation $5/person (includes both exhibitions)

This exhibition reveals how Christmas was celebrated in a variety of countries during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Objects and images from the collection of the National Christmas Center and Museum in Lancaster, Pennsylvania illustrate Christmas customs in many European countries including France, Germany, the Netherlands and Russia, as well as in eastern Pennsylvania.

Image: Père Noël is the French equivalent of the American Santa Claus. He wears a long, hooded robe edged with white fur, and carries presents in a basket like those used by grape harvesters. This papier-mâché figure of Père Noël served as a candy container. On loan from the National Christmas Center and Museum. © Glencairn Museum

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World Nativities 2015
to Jan 10

World Nativities 2015

  • Google Calendar ICS

Daily 12:00 to 4:30 PM
Closed December 14-15, 24-25

Suggested donation $5/person (includes both exhibitions)

Presents dozens of three-dimensional Nativity scenes, collected from around the world. For many Christians the Nativity scene is a meaningful expression of religious faith, providing a compelling visual focus during the Christmas season. World Nativities reveals how artisans have adapted the Nativity scene to represent their own national, regional, and local cultures. Nativities are often crafted from whatever materials are locally available, such as clay, grass, cornhusks, bark, gourds, and even coconuts. Settings for the Nativities have been created by Bryn Athyn artisan Kathleen Glenn Pitcairn.

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Marc Chagall and the Bible
to Oct 4

Marc Chagall and the Bible

Tuesday-Friday with 2:30 pm tour or by appointment
Weekends 1:00 - 4:30 PM

Donations welcome.

Marc Chagall (1887–1985) has been called the quintessential Jewish artist of the 20th century, and one of the foremost visual interpreters of the Bible. Chagall said, “Since my early youth I have been fascinated by the Bible. It has always seemed to me and it seems to me still that it is the greatest source of poetry of all time. Since then I have sought this reflection in life and in art. The Bible is like an echo of nature and this secret I have tried to transmit.” 

Marc Chagall and the Bible includes etchings and lithographs of Chagall’s graphic works and historical posters. Etchings from his 1960 Bible series bring together the artist’s spirituality and childhood fantasy through the sophisticated artistry of a master printmaker. Also featured in this exhibition are brilliantly colored images from his 1956 and 1960 suites of Bible lithographs.

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Eden to Eternity: Molas from the San Blas Islands
to Apr 4

Eden to Eternity: Molas from the San Blas Islands

Tuesday-Friday with 2:30 pm tour or by appointment | Weekends 1:00 - 4:30 PM

Donations welcome.

This exhibition features textiles hand-stitched by the Cuna Indians along the Caribbean coast of Panama. Molas are reverse appliqué panels made for the front and back of blouses worn by Cuna women. Each mola in this exhibition illustrates a story from the Bible—from the Garden of Eden to the Ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven. Molas probably originated with the custom of body painting, traditionally done by Cuna women as early as the 17th century. By the 19th century this painting was replaced by textiles, perhaps because Christian missionaries insisted that the Cuna wear clothing. 

Molas are made by women and female children, using only a needle, scissors and thimble. The Cuna have selectively adopted certain aspects of Western civilization, but continue to maintain their indigenous lifestyle and traditions. Many belong to thriving Christian congregations, and biblical themes are often depicted in their textiles.

The molas in this exhibition are on loan from the collection of Sandra and Bob Bowden.

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A Century of Santa: Images of Santa Claus in the 1800s
to Jan 11

A Century of Santa: Images of Santa Claus in the 1800s

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12:00 - 4:30 PM Daily (closed December 15-16 and 24-25)

Included with guided tour admission; donations welcome for self-guided viewing.

PLEASE NOTE: The exhibition will close at 3:00 pm on Saturday, January 10, for a private event.

A Century of Santa: Images of Santa Claus in the 1800s presents the early history of Santa Claus in America, using rare magazine illustrations, store advertising, and children’s storybooks from the collection of the National Christmas Center and Museum in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Beginning with early gift givers such as the Christkindl (the Christ Child), the Belsnickel (who handed out gifts to good children but coal to naughty children), and Philadelphia’s own Kris Kringle, this exhibition will use both two- and three-dimensional images to trace the visual evolution of Santa throughout the Nineteenth Century.

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World Nativities
to Jan 11

World Nativities

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12:00 - 4:30 PM Daily (closed December 15-16 and 24-25)

Included with guided tour admission; donations welcome for self-guided viewing.

PLEASE NOTE: The exhibition will close at 3:00 pm on Saturday, January 10, for a private event.

Glencairn Museum’s World Nativities exhibition presents dozens of three-dimensional Nativity scenes, collected from around the world. For many Christians the Nativity scene is a meaningful expression of religious faith, providing a compelling visual focus during the Christmas season. World Nativities reveals how artisans have adapted the Nativity scene to represent their own national, regional, and local cultures. Nativities are often crafted from whatever materials are locally available, such as clay, grass, cornhusks, bark, gourds, and even coconuts.

Glencairn’s own Nativity tradition dates to the 1920s, when Raymond and Mildred Pitcairn commissioned a large three-part Nativity for their home by craftsmen from the Bryn Athyn Studios. The Pitcairn Nativity has been displayed annually in Glencairn’s Upper Hall since the building was completed in 1939. In the 1950s the Pitcairns commissioned a similar Nativity for the Eisenhower family, which was placed beside the Christmas tree in the East Room of the White House.

Kathleen Glenn Pitcairn, an artisan who lives in Bryn Athyn, has provided artistic settings for nearly all of the Nativities.

Image: R. Michael Palan and Karen Loccisano, a husband-and-wife team of professional artists from New York, will exhibit their latest work in progress at Glencairn this year: a Nativity inspired by the paintings of Pieter Bruegel the Elder (1525-1569) and his son (also named Pieter).

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to Jun 30

American Glass Now: 2014

Weekdays with 2:30 tour or by appointment | Saturdays 1:00 - 4:30 PM

Donations welcome.

American Glass Now: 2014, the American Glass Guild’s 3rd juried exhibition, is intended to give artists an opportunity to experiment, show their skills, be ambitious, have a dialogue with fellow artists, and show the public what stained glass can be.

To learn more about the American Glass Guild (AGG) and their annual conference, visit

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Behind the Lens: Raymond Pitcairn and Photography
to Nov 16

Behind the Lens: Raymond Pitcairn and Photography

Tuesday through Friday with 2:30 PM tour or by appointment
Weekends 1:00 – 4:30 PM

Included with guided tour admission; weekend self-guided viewing donations welcome.

Raymond Pitcairn (1885-1966) is remembered primarily for his two remarkable architectural achievements: Bryn Athyn Cathedral, and Glencairn, the Bryn Athyn home he built for his family and art collections. It is less well known that Pitcairn had a lifelong interest in photography, becoming a serious amateur photographer in his early 20s. It was this hobby that led to his first architectural project—designing a photography studio across the street from Cairnwood, his childhood home. The studio, which still stands, included a darkroom and a large room with skylights for posing his subjects.

Glencairn Museum maintains a large archive of photographic prints and negatives—including thousands of glass negatives—documenting the Raymond and Mildred Pitcairn family, the construction of Bryn Athyn Cathedral, Glencairn, Glen Tonche (the family’s summer home in the Catskills), and many other subjects. All of the photographs in this exhibition are drawn from this remarkable collection.

Image: portrait of Mildred Glenn Pitcairn, c. 1910. © Glencairn Museum

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Follow the Star: World Nativities
to Jan 5

Follow the Star: World Nativities

Daily 12:00 to 4:30 PM | CLOSED December 16, 17, 24, and 25

Admission: Donations Welcome

Glencairn Museum’s fifth annual exhibition of Nativities from around the world includes dozens of sets on loan from the renowned Mepkin Abbey collection in South Carolina; the unveiling of an elaborate traditional Presepio handmade by professional artists Karen Loccisano and R. Michael Palan; and a large rotating German Christmas pyramid by Christian Ulbricht. This year we will exhibit 34 sets from 15 countries. Artistic settings for the Nativities have been created by Bryn Athyn artisan Kathleen Glenn Pitcairn.

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